Source code for pyxml2pdf.styles.table_styles

"""This module contains the class :class:`XMLTableStyle` to style the result"""

from pathlib import PurePath
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union

from reportlab.lib.colors import black, Color, honeydew  # type: ignore
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import mm  # type: ignore
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, StyleSheet1  # type: ignore
from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import (  # type: ignore
from reportlab.pdfbase.ttfonts import TTFont  # type: ignore
from reportlab.platypus import TableStyle  # type: ignore

from import columns, font, fontsize  # type: ignore

LineFormattingCommand = Tuple[str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int], float, Color]
CellFormattingCommand = Tuple[
    str, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int], Union[Color, float, str]

[docs]class XMLTableStyle: """Create a collection of styling information about the table to create Beautiful colors are: * aliceblue (not with azure) * azure (not with aliceblue) * honeydew * ... """ # Prepare a reusable constant for assigning settings to all cells of an area. FULL_ROW = ( (0, 0), (-1, -1), ) # type: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]] # Set important defaults for the table. LINE_THICKNESS = 0.25 # type: float LINE_COLOR = black # type: Color BACKGROUND_COLOR = honeydew # type: Color PADDING = 3 # type: int ALIGN_CENTER = ("ALIGN", *FULL_ROW, "CENTER") # type: CellFormattingCommand VALIGN_MIDDLE = ("VALIGN", *FULL_ROW, "MIDDLE") # type: CellFormattingCommand VALIGN_TOP = ("VALIGN", *FULL_ROW, "TOP") # type: CellFormattingCommand ALIGN_LEFT = ("ALIGN", *FULL_ROW, "LEFT") # type: CellFormattingCommand LEFTPADDING_REDUCE = ( "LEFTPADDING", *FULL_ROW, PADDING, ) # type: CellFormattingCommand RIGHTPADDING_REDUCE = ( "RIGHTPADDING", *FULL_ROW, PADDING, ) # type: CellFormattingCommand BACKGROUND = ( "BACKGROUND", *FULL_ROW, BACKGROUND_COLOR, ) # type: CellFormattingCommand BOX = ("BOX", *FULL_ROW, 0.25, LINE_COLOR) # type: LineFormattingCommand INNERGRID = ( "INNERGRID", *FULL_ROW, LINE_THICKNESS, LINE_COLOR, ) # type: LineFormattingCommand def __init__(self): """Initialise font and cell formatting""" self._font = font # Set the resulting tables' styling with all the customization of # margins, fonts, fontsizes, etc... # Get custom_styles for all headings, texts, etc. from sample custom_stylesheet = getSampleStyleSheet() # Overwrite the sample styles according to our needs. custom_stylesheet.get("Normal").fontSize = fontsize.normal custom_stylesheet.get("Normal").leading = ( custom_stylesheet["Normal"].fontSize * 1.2 ) custom_stylesheet.get("Normal").fontName = "normal_font" custom_stylesheet.get("Italic").fontSize = custom_stylesheet["Normal"].fontSize custom_stylesheet.get("Italic").leading = ( custom_stylesheet["Italic"].fontSize * 1.2 ) custom_stylesheet.get("Italic").fontName = "italic_font" custom_stylesheet.get("Heading1").fontSize = fontsize.table_heading custom_stylesheet.get("Heading1").alignment = 1 custom_stylesheet.get("Heading1").leading = ( custom_stylesheet["Heading1"].fontSize * 1.2 ) custom_stylesheet.get("Heading1").fontName = "bold_font" custom_stylesheet.get("Heading2").fontSize = fontsize.column_heading custom_stylesheet.get("Heading2").alignment = 1 custom_stylesheet.get("Heading2").leading = ( custom_stylesheet["Heading2"].fontSize * 1.2 ) custom_stylesheet.get("Heading2").fontName = "bold_font" self._custom_styles: Dict[str, Union[StyleSheet1, TableStyle]] = { "heading": TableStyle( [ self.VALIGN_MIDDLE, self.BACKGROUND, self.BOX, self.ALIGN_CENTER, ] ), "stylesheet": custom_stylesheet, } self._custom_styles.update( dict.fromkeys( ["normal", "sub_heading"], TableStyle( [ self.ALIGN_LEFT, self.VALIGN_MIDDLE, self.BOX, self.INNERGRID, self.LEFTPADDING_REDUCE, self.RIGHTPADDING_REDUCE, ] ), ) ) # Extract the column widths from properties. self._column_widths = [ float(column.width) * mm for column in columns ] # type: List[float] # Set full table width. self._table_width = sum(self._column_widths) # type: float # Register font with reportlab. self._init_font_family()
[docs] def _init_font_family(self): """Register the desired font with :py:mod:`reportlab` This ensures that `<i></i>` and `<b></b>` as cell content work well. """ # Set root of fonts to the folder containing this file. path_to_fonts = PurePath(__file__).parent.joinpath("fonts") # Finally lead and register fonts with reportlab. registerFont(TTFont("normal_font", path_to_fonts.joinpath(self._font.normal))) registerFont(TTFont("bold_font", path_to_fonts.joinpath(self._font.bold))) registerFont(TTFont("italic_font", path_to_fonts.joinpath(self._font.italic))) registerFont( TTFont("bolditalic_font", path_to_fonts.joinpath(self._font.bolditalic)) ) registerFontFamily( "custom_font", normal="normal_font", bold="bold_font", italic="italic_font", boldItalic="bolditalic_font", )
@property def column_widths(self): """List[float]: Return the column widths for the tables in mm.""" return self._column_widths @property def table_width(self) -> float: """float: Return the sum of all column widths in mm.""" return self._table_width @property def custom_styles(self) -> Dict[str, Union[StyleSheet1, TableStyle]]: """Dict[str, TableStyle]: Return the custom styles""" return self._custom_styles