Source code for pyxml2pdf.tables.builder

"""This module contains the class :class:`TableBuilder` which deals with XML tables."""

import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Union

from reportlab.platypus import Flowable, Paragraph, Table, TableStyle  # type: ignore

from pyxml2pdf.styles.table_styles import XMLTableStyle
from pyxml2pdf.tables.tables import XMLTable
from import columns, subtable_settings  # type: ignore

[docs]class TableBuilder: """Takes over all tasks for building and working with the tables created""" def __init__(self): self._table_style = XMLTableStyle() # type: XMLTableStyle self._stylesheet = self._table_style.custom_styles[ "stylesheet" ] # type: TableStyle self._subtables = self.create_subtables() # type: List[XMLTable]
[docs] def create_subtables(self) -> List[XMLTable]: """Create subtables for all different kinds of rows :returns: a list of all subtables :rtype: List[XMLTable] """ subtables_list = [] for subtable in subtable_settings: subtable_table = XMLTable(subtable.label, subtable.include) subtable_table.extend(self.make_header(subtable.label)) subtables_list.append(subtable_table) return subtables_list
[docs] def make_header(self, title: str) -> List[Table]: """Build the first two rows of a subtable Build the first two rows of a subtable with its title and column headings taken from the properties file. :param str title: the title of the subtable :returns: two line table with title and headings :rtype: List[Table] """ # Create first row spanning the full width and title as content. title_row = [ self.create_fixedwidth_table( [[Paragraph(title, self._stylesheet["Heading1"])]], self._table_style.table_width, self._table_style.custom_styles["heading"], ) ] # Create row containing one column per heading. columns_list = [ Paragraph(heading, self._stylesheet.get("Heading2")) for heading in [column.label for column in columns] ] # Concatenate both rows. title_row.append( self.create_fixedwidth_table( [columns_list], self._table_style.column_widths, self._table_style.custom_styles["sub_heading"], ) ) return title_row
@property def subtables(self) -> List[Table]: """List[Table]: Return all subtables at once""" return [element for subtable in self._subtables for element in subtable.rows]
[docs] def distribute_row(self, row): """Distribute a row to the subtables according to the related criteria :param XMLRow row: row to distribute """ distribution_failed = True set_of_crits = set(row.criteria) for subtable in self._subtables: crit_filters_intersection = [ set_of_crits.intersection(include_filters) for include_filters in subtable.include_filters ] if all(crit_filters_intersection): subtable.append(row.get_table_row(subtable.title)) distribution_failed = False if distribution_failed: warnings.warn( "XML row identified by " + row.identifier + " would not be printed, because it does not contain a valid" " combination of criteria. Currently it contains " + str(row.criteria) + ". If it is supposed to be shown please adapt the tables' " "include-filters or adapt the XML tag's content.", RuntimeWarning, )
[docs] def create_fixedwidth_table( self, cells: List[List[Flowable]], widths: Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] = None, style: Optional[XMLTableStyle] = None, ) -> Table: """Create a table with specified column widths Create a table from specified cells with fixed column widths and a specific style. :param List[List[Flowable]] cells: cells wrapped by a list representing the columns wrapped by a list representing the lines :param Optional[Union[float, List[float]]] widths: Optional column widths. The default results in reasonable settings based on experience. :param Optional[XMLTableStyle] style: Optional table's style. The default results in reasonable settings based on experience. :returns: A table containing specified cells in fixed width, styled columns. """ if widths is None: widths = self._table_style.column_widths if style is None: style = self._table_style.custom_styles["normal"] table = Table(cells, colWidths=widths) table.setStyle(style) return table