



This module contains the base class to create table rows

Specifically it contains a class XMLCell for unified styled cells and a class XMLRow for xml extracted data.

class pyxml2pdf.core.rows.XMLCell(text: str)[source]

This class represents the text of type reportlab.platypus.Paragraph in a cell

It inherits from reportlab.platypus.Paragraph and ensures the unified styling of all table cells.

reportlab.platypus.Paragraph is solely used with one certain style, which is supposed to be set as a class attribute during runtime.

Parameters:text (str) – the text to write into row

The one for all stylesheet to style all cells.

class pyxml2pdf.core.rows.XMLRow(element)[source]

A wrapper class for xml.etree.ElementTree.Element

xml.etree.ElementTree.Element is augmented with the table row representation and the attributes and methods to manipulate everything according to the final tables needs. A XMLRow can only be initialized with an object of type xml.etree.ElementTree.Element.

Parameters:element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – the element to build the instance from

alias of XMLCell

_concatenate_tags_content(cell_tags: List[str], separator: str = ' - ') → str[source]

Form one string from the texts of a set of XML tags’s to fill a cell

Form a string of the content for all desired XML tags by concatenating them together with a separator. This is especially necessary, since reportlab.platypus.Paragraph cannot handle None`s as texts but handles as well the concatenation of XML tags’ content, if `cell_tags has more than one element. So we ensure the result to be at least an empty string.

  • cell_tags – list of all tags for which the descriptive texts is wanted, even if it is just one
  • separator – the separator in between the concatenated texts

concatenated, separated texts of all tags for the current cell


Initialize the list of criteria from the according xml tag’s content

_init_full_row() → List[pyxml2pdf.core.rows.XMLCell][source]

Initialize the single table row containing all information from the XML input

Extract interesting information from specified row tag’s subtags and connect them into a nicely formatted row of a table.

Returns:the columns of any table representation
Return type:List[XMLCell]
_table_builder = <pyxml2pdf.tables.builder.TableBuilder object>
_table_style = <pyxml2pdf.styles.table_styles.XMLTableStyle object>

Return the event’s criteria

Returns:a list of the event’s criteria
Return type:Set[str]
get_full_row(subtable_title: str = None) → reportlab.platypus.tables.Table[source]

Return a table row with all the row’s information

This ensures, that in subclasses we can override this function and after handing over the full information, the reduced version with a reference to the subtable containing the full version can be created via a decorator.

See Event for an example implementation of this pattern.

Parameters:subtable_title – the title of the subtable in which the row will be integrated
Returns:a table row with all the event’s information
get_table_row(subtable_title: str) → reportlab.platypus.tables.Table[source]

Return the table row representation of the XML tag

This is the API of XMLRow for getting the table row representation of the event. It allows for reacting to the distribution of the XML tags content by creating a shorter version referencing the main subtable. See get_full_row() for details.

Parameters:subtable_title (str) – the title of the subtable in which the row will be integrated
Returns:a table row representation of the XML tag’s content
Return type:Table

Return the identifier of the event

Return type:str


A wrapper for xml extracted data


A specialisation of XMLRow onto events from an ACB event program

Parameters:element (xml.etree.ElementTree.Element) – the element to build the instance from
_build_description(link: str = '') → str[source]

Build the description for the event

This covers all cases with empty texts in some of the according children tags and the full as well as the reduced version with just the reference to the subtable where the full version can be found. Since the title of the event is mandatory, and the beginning of the description is always filled by the same tags’ texts those are not received as parameter but directly retrieved from the xml data.

Parameters:link (str) – a link to more details like the trainer url or the subtable
Returns:the full description including url if provided
Return type:str
_build_type() → str[source]

Build the type for the event

This assembles the type of the event from the different kinds.

Returns:the entry in the type column of the event
Return type:str

Create a properly formatted string containing the identifier of the event

_init_full_row() → List[pyxml2pdf.core.rows.XMLCell][source]

Initialize the single table row containing all information of the event

Extract interesting information from events children tags and connect them into a nicely formatted row of a table.

Returns:the common starting columns of any table representation
Return type:List[XMLCell]

Initializes the reduced version of the event

Create a table row in proper format but just containing a brief description of the event and a reference to the fully described event at another place, namely the subtable with the given title.

Parameters:subtable_title (str) – title of the subtable which contains the full event


Do not call this function directly since it is automatically called right after get_full_row() is invoked.

static _parse_prerequisites(personal: str, material: str, financial: str, offers: str) → str[source]

Determine all prerequisites and assemble a string accordingly.

  • material (str) – material prerequisite xml text
  • personal (str) – personal prerequisite xml text
  • financial (str) – financial prerequisite xml text
  • offers (str) – xml text of what is included in the price

the text to insert in prerequisite column the current event

Return type:


static _remove_century(four_digit_year)[source]

Remove the first two digits of the string representing the year

Parameters:four_digit_year (typing.Match) – the result of re.sub()
Returns:the last two digits of the string representing the year
Return type:str
_table_builder = <pyxml2pdf.tables.builder.TableBuilder object>
_table_style = <pyxml2pdf.styles.table_styles.XMLTableStyle object>

Decorator to execute _init_reduced_row() with get_full_row()

Returns:the return value of get_full_row()
Return type:Table
get_full_row(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Exchange a table row with all the event’s information against a subtable’s title

This ensures, that after handing over the full information, the reduced version with a reference to the subtable containing the full version is created.


This is ensured by a decorator, which is why the function signature on is displayed incorrectly. The parameter and return value are as follows…

Parameters:subtable_title (str) – the title of the subtable in which the row will be integrated
Returns:a table row with all the event’s information
Return type:Table

Return the table row representation of the event

This is the API of for getting the table row representation of the event. It makes sure, that on the first call get_full_row() is invoked and otherwise is returned.

Parameters:subtable_title (str) – the title of the subtable in which the row will be integrated
Returns:a table row representation of the event
Return type:Table

Return the identifier of the event

Return type:str

Return the name of the person being responsible for the event

Returns:first and last name
Return type:str


This module contains the class Initializer to coordinate the process.

class pyxml2pdf.core.initializer.Initializer(input_path: str, output_path: str)[source]

Coordinate the construction of the pdf result

Keep strings together, start the actual parsing and build the PDF

  • input_path (str) – Path to input XML file
  • output_path (str) – Path to resulting PDF file
_data = None

The processed content of the XML file as table rows and columns


pyxml2pdf.core.parser is the interface between XML input and table

class pyxml2pdf.core.parser.Parser(elements: List[reportlab.platypus.flowables.KeepTogether])[source]

XML parser to extract all interesting information from XML input

Parameters:elements – cells to populate the Parser

Traverse the parsed xml data and gather collected event data

The collected XML data then is passed to the table_manager and all arranged data is return.

Parameters:events (List[XMLRow]) – a list of the items from which the texts shall be extracted into a nicely formatted table
Returns:list of all table rows containing the relevant event data
Return type:List[KeepTogether]


This module contains the class PostProcessor to arrange the result pages

class pyxml2pdf.core.post_processor.PostProcessor(path)[source]

Arrange for needed modifications of the result to prepare for printing

This creates an instance of a pyxml2pdf.core.post_processor for a multipage PDF file to automate splitting and rotating.

Parameters:path (str) – path to the PDF file which shall be processed

Take the resulting multi page PDF and split into rotated single pages

Taken from in combination with


This module contains the class Sorter to sort the resulting table.

class pyxml2pdf.core.sorter.Sorter(courses)[source]

Provides a method to sort from xml extracted data by a tag containing a date

We took and adapted the code to our needs of sorting a list of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element by the texts of one of their tags containing a string representation of a date.

Parameters:courses (List[xml.etree.ElementTree.Element]) – rows that where extracted from an xml source

Sort a list of xml.etree.ElementTree.Element by their date

Taken from and adapted.

Parameters:sort_key (str) – the XML tag which contains the data



This module contains a class XMLTable to collect the XML’s content.

class pyxml2pdf.tables.tables.XMLTable(title: str, include_filters: List[List[str]])[source]

An XMLTable contains a subset of the xml file’s content in a Table

Contains all XML tags which match the desired content specified in content. Every XML tag listed has at least one subtag from each of the lists in content.

  • title (str) – Name of the table
  • include_filters (List[List[str]]) – nested list of criteria to collect in table
append(row: reportlab.platypus.tables.Table)[source]

Append a row to the end of the table

Parameters:row – a single row that should be appended to the table
extend(rows: List[reportlab.platypus.tables.Table])[source]

Append a a list of rows to the end of the table

Parameters:rows – a list of rows that should be appended to the table

include_filters to match XML contents for including


The list of rows as Table objects


Name of the table



This module contains the class TableBuilder which deals with XML tables.

class pyxml2pdf.tables.builder.TableBuilder[source]

Takes over all tasks for building and working with the tables created

create_fixedwidth_table(cells: List[List[reportlab.platypus.flowables.Flowable]], widths: Union[float, List[float], None] = None, style: Optional[pyxml2pdf.styles.table_styles.XMLTableStyle] = None) → reportlab.platypus.tables.Table[source]

Create a table with specified column widths

Create a table from specified cells with fixed column widths and a specific style.

  • cells (List[List[Flowable]]) – cells wrapped by a list representing the columns wrapped by a list representing the lines
  • List[float]]] widths (Optional[Union[float,) – Optional column widths. The default results in reasonable settings based on experience.
  • style (Optional[XMLTableStyle]) – Optional table’s style. The default

results in reasonable

settings based on experience.
Returns:A table containing specified cells in fixed width, styled columns.
create_subtables() → List[pyxml2pdf.tables.tables.XMLTable][source]

Create subtables for all different kinds of rows

Returns:a list of all subtables
Return type:List[XMLTable]

Distribute a row to the subtables according to the related criteria

Parameters:row (XMLRow) – row to distribute
make_header(title: str) → List[reportlab.platypus.tables.Table][source]

Build the first two rows of a subtable

Build the first two rows of a subtable with its title and column headings taken from the properties file.

Parameters:title (str) – the title of the subtable
Returns:two line table with title and headings
Return type:List[Table]

Return all subtables at once





This module contains the class XMLTableStyle to style the result

class pyxml2pdf.styles.table_styles.XMLTableStyle[source]

Create a collection of styling information about the table to create

Beautiful colors are:
  • aliceblue (not with azure)
  • azure (not with aliceblue)
  • honeydew
ALIGN_CENTER = ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'CENTER')
ALIGN_LEFT = ('ALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'LEFT')
BACKGROUND = ('BACKGROUND', (0, 0), (-1, -1), Color(.941176,1,.941176,1))
BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color(.941176,1,.941176,1)
BOX = ('BOX', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, Color(0,0,0,1))
FULL_ROW = ((0, 0), (-1, -1))
INNERGRID = ('INNERGRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 0.25, Color(0,0,0,1))
LEFTPADDING_REDUCE = ('LEFTPADDING', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 3)
LINE_COLOR = Color(0,0,0,1)
VALIGN_MIDDLE = ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'MIDDLE')
VALIGN_TOP = ('VALIGN', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 'TOP')

Register the desired font with reportlab

This ensures that <i></i> and <b></b> as cell content work well.


Return the column widths for the tables in mm.


Return the custom styles

Type:Dict[str, TableStyle]

Return the sum of all column widths in mm.
