Source code for pyxml2pdf.core.initializer

"""This module contains the class :class:`Initializer` to coordinate the process."""

from typing import List

from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse  # type: ignore
from reportlab.lib.units import mm  # type: ignore
from reportlab.platypus import SimpleDocTemplate  # type: ignore
from reportlab.platypus.flowables import KeepTogether  # type: ignore

from import pagesize, rows_xmltag, sort_xmltag  # type: ignore
from pyxml2pdf.core.parser import Parser
from pyxml2pdf.core.post_processor import PostProcessor
from pyxml2pdf.core.sorter import Sorter

[docs]class Initializer: """Coordinate the construction of the pdf result Keep strings together, start the actual parsing and build the PDF :param str input_path: Path to input XML file :param str output_path: Path to resulting PDF file """ def __init__(self, input_path: str, output_path: str): #: The processed content of the XML file as table rows and columns self._data = [] # type: List[KeepTogether] parser = Parser(self._data) pdf = SimpleDocTemplate( output_path, pagesize=[size * mm for size in pagesize], topMargin=0.0, bottomMargin=0.0, leftMargin=0.0, rightMargin=0.0, ) doc = parse(input_path) sorter = Sorter(doc.findall(rows_xmltag)) sorted_courses = sorter.sort_parsed_xml(sort_xmltag) parser.collect_xml_data(sorted_courses) if self._data: pdf_postprocessor = PostProcessor(output_path) pdf_postprocessor.finalize_print_preparation()